Participants will have the opportunity to explore history through hands-on activities, stations, and take-homes. The program is appropriate for ages 4–18. Cost is $5 per child. Friends of the Maritime Museum at Southport receive a 10-percent discount. Participants are free to move at their own...

Go back in time with the museum, and experience the Cape Fear region during wartime. Learn how close to shore the enemy got and what precautions were taken for military members, as well as civilians. How did our region assist in the war effort? How...

Native tribespeople are not that different from you and me! Let us compare their lives to our own to practice our matching skills and learn about the first people who lived in this area. Children must be accompanied by an adult for the duration of the...

Join us for a celebration of springtime returning to Southport and the awakening of nature with these virtual programs from anywhere with something to cut with, something to attach, and decorating items. Bags come with supplies for four crafts and instructions on how to access...

Join the Maritime Museum for a short lecture on the kinds of shrimp around the world versus locally and get some closely guarded secrets of the Sanderlin Shrimp Dip. Participants will be sent home with a recipe card! Classes are held at the museum and...